Jigger Mott, you’ve come and left us. Your feet are now upon
Heaven’s great white stretching highway-, its reach of velvet lawn.
You’ve earned your place in history; done what you set out to do.
You’ve left us traveling forward, as we know you wanted to.
God made with us a covenant, for better or for worse;
To lift our brothers’ burdens and not heed the devil’s curse.
Jigger, you have been a brother to each and every one.
You’ve helped to make hearts happier by letting in the sun.
We love you, Jigger Mott, for all the things you’ve tried to do,
Because you made lives better all by simply being you.
You are numbered with the faithful who’ve kept true to heir stand.
You’ve brought new hope to hundreds as you’ve walked across our land.
Today we say in memory, “God bless you, Jigger Mott”.
We’ll keep our feet upon the road, in action and in thought.
When the Book of Life is opened as it is bound to be,
And your name is called, you’ll answer. The hosts of heaven will see
A man who gave his life to help promote a living plan
That all might be, and share alike the Brotherhood of Man.
We’ll carry on where you left off. Each Year the Jigger Run
Will grow and grow as we unite and pledge our best, each one.
So, here’s to you, dear Jigger Mott. Within our hearts you’ll live.
We’ll not forget the pace you set. We, too, will walk and give.
– June 1992